What's all the fuss about?

Happening Now

The wold is in a tailspin, and for good cause. Injustice presents its'self in many forms. and although the world is angry about Police Brutality, we have a number of things that are adding to the total upheaval today...We are in a Pandemic for goodness sake, that within itself is enough to create tension. We have allowed disrespect from an Agency that is supposed to be implemented to Protect and Serve the public and community, but instead they address us with great disdain. how can this continue? The answer is clear, It must not. If we are stopped by an Officer we should expect the same respect and courtesy that we are giving to the Officer when addressing them.

We should have the right to ask why we are being stopped and given a reasonable answer within the boundaries of the Law not based on the feeling of the day ..it should not be based on if the officer thinks you are a Drug dealer because you have dreads in your head or if you are wearing a hijab treating you as if you are a menace to society, it should not matter if there is one individual in the car of a different nationality or origin that they are decidedly suspicious.

Why should we be called out of our names when we are asked to" get out of the car Mother#*+! , Why are we not allowed to not exercise our rights to be silent and be able to call our Lawyer before being questioned or having our vehicles searched. Change has come in small doses of a remedy but instead of a dropper full we need a bottle full of change until it becomes a natural remedy of the whole universe.