
What In The World

Congressman John Lewis, One of the most respected and honorable African American Leaders of our time has left us with an unforgettable history of activism and service for our Country that will last a lifetime, his life from the inception 1940-2020 has left an indelible mark that meshes with the past and present issues we are addressing in this current climate of necessary change all over the world in response to issues of equality, racism and Police Brutality not only in the death of George Floyd, but the many other deaths that have occurred that has the Country in a uproar.

The protest that has grabbed the attention of Law Enforcement, State Officials, Activist and the Communities here and abroad were not foreign to this great man who stood on the front lines in a time when civil unrest was at it's highest escalation. No doubt that if his life had been extended one more year his continued work would have marked another Historical stamp in yet another era. This new generation of protesters have the same energy, tenacity and urgency for change as when this great man...


Happening Now

The wold is in a tailspin, and for good cause. Injustice presents its'self in many forms. and although the world is angry about Police Brutality, we have a number of things that are adding to the total upheaval today...We are in a Pandemic for goodness sake, that within itself is enough to create tension. We have allowed disrespect from an Agency that is supposed to be implemented to Protect and Serve the public and community, but instead they address us with great disdain. how can this continue? The answer is clear, It must not. If we are stopped by an Officer we should expect the same respect and courtesy that we are giving to the Officer when addressing them.

We should have the right to ask why we are being stopped and given a reasonable answer within the boundaries of the Law not based on the feeling of the day should not be based on if the officer thinks you are a Drug dealer because you have dreads in your head or if you are wearing a hijab treating you as if you are a menace to society, it should not matter if there is one individual in the...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus accumsan id odio id tristique. Vestibulum imperdiet, eros vitae vestibulum auctor, leo magna posuere mauris, vel iaculis lacus felis eu elit. Cras euismod non tellus laoreet commodo. Donec urna arcu, varius et est ac, volutpat sodales tellus. Integer aliquam odio id tortor aliquet pellentesque. Etiam ut quam a lectus dignissim facilisis id quis urna. Quisque suscipit, diam et tempus varius, ex ante pulvinar justo, a blandit nisl dui vitae nisl. Ut sollicitudin sodales augue in euismod. Quisque viverra augue ut hendrerit ullamcorper. Nullam laoreet porta ipsum, nec semper felis dignissim vitae. Aenean aliquet ut risus nec placerat. Curabitur ut scelerisque nulla.

Vestibulum id dolor et tellus ultricies posuere ut ut risus. Nullam tincidunt lorem sed varius consequat. Sed eu nisi vel nisl tincidunt suscipit. Etiam vel tristique velit, et molestie dolor. Nunc laoreet orci eget leo luctus, vel tempus purus dignissim. Nulla luctus imperdiet augue, nec hendrerit leo sollicitudin et. Mauris a ex porttitor, pharetra...
